• Gangtok Smart City Development Limited, Gangtok (Sikkim)

Gangtok Smart City Development Limited


The intent of the Smart City Mission at Gangtok is not only to cater to the needs of its ever expanding urban population, but also to augment the existing core infrastructure of the city, help the city to expand its economic base, enhance the fiscal capacity of the city, create infrastructure in the city which will enable it to leverage its growth and capacity building in enhancing the quality of life of its people. In addition, the service delivery mechanism in the city is to be transformed through ICT interventions.

Among the goals of Smart City Gangtok are Liveability, Mobility, Cleanliness, Prosperity, Economic Regeneration/Tourist Facilities, Infrastructure/Utility Upgradation, Heritage, Culture and Recreation and ICT & E-governance

More Information:
Smart City Proposal
Smart City Mission Statement & Guidelines